As of today, the 31st July, we have a fantastic 18 registered to take part in this year's rally, which is more than enough to run the event - thanks to everyone for registering 👍😎 Regulations out 1st October 👍
No. Driver Navigator Car cc Reg. mark
1 Stephen Reynolds Stuart Lamb Morris Mini Minor 848 RFO 872
2 Richard Derrick Robert Duley Mini Clubman 1275GT 1380 WCG 268N
3 Andy Crawley Jess Crawley TBA Morris Mini 1380 MSG 648G
4 David Ruddock Ian Canavan Austin Mini 1275 EHC 523F
5 Matt Smith Richard Lumb Mini 1000 1275 WNR 904S
6 Adrian Wilford TBA Mini 998 D744 SGH
7 Anthony Devine Robert Magee Austin Cooper S 1293 ZV 26696
8 Sallyann Hewitt Mark Lewis Morris Mini Clubman 1098 SDC 838M
9 Keith Proudfoot James Heron Austin Mini Mayfair 1275 A13 UYR
10 Kevin Dickson Heather Nixon Rover Mini 30 998 G484 RND
11 Ian Blakemore Alistair Blakemore Morris Mini 1380 WEV 430L
12 Stuart Woollen Ollie Woollen Mini Cooper S 1275 PVW 885D
13 Thomas Robinson TBC Morris Mini Cooper 1330 HBE 790D
14 Bernard Watkins Adam Roper Morris Mini 1275 BKV 427K
15 Gary Dixon TBC Austin Mini 1380 DOP 739K
16 Stuart Coldron Ben Pickering Austin Mini 1275GT 1275 FVH 22L
17 Andy Ace Harrison Henry Carr Morris Mini 998 GJM 795
18 Luke Carroll Neil Kinch Austin Mini 1071 6604 KF
Mini Cooper Register
WaterAid UK