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The next edition of the Northumberland Borders Rally will take place on Saturday 11th November 2023. The format will be as in previous years, comprising Special Tests in the afternoon, followed by a navigational rally in the evening. However, this year we will be offering a "Special Tests only" option.
On offer are around 10 Special Tests, followed 90-mile “half-night” navigational rally, starting from, and finishing at, the excellent Hog’s Head Inn in Alnwick, Northumberland.
Entry fees, including a meal at the finish, are expected to be around £100 plus rally insurance. The exception is the "Special Tests only" option, which will have a reduced entry fee.
Registration for the event opened on 30th April and was due to close on 31st July. A minimum of 15 registered to enter the event was required for it to run and 18 registrations had been received by the 31st of July. The rally will therefore go ahead as planned. Thanks to everyone who regsitered, your support is very much appreciated.
We will continue to take registrations. To register, please complete and submit the simple form below. A list of those registered so far can be seen on the link below.
There will also be a further opportunity to enter the event once the Supplementary Regulations and online entry system for the rally go live on 1st October. Registration will close on that date.
In the meantime, updates on the rally can be found in the "News" section of this website and on the event's Facebook page.
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